Introducing Vantard: The Best Way to Play the Memecoin Supercycle
Welcome to the Memecoin Supercycle
Do you want to be right? Or do you want to make money?
Introducing the Vantard Meme Portfolio (VMP). The VMP is a basket of Solana’s leading memecoins that will be periodically rebalanced. It includes blue chips such as Popcat, Michi, and Goat, mid-cap tokens such as GIGA, HEHE, and SIGMA, and smaller caps such as AUTISM. This basket is managed by degen quants and is constantly in flux as they search for the best returns for VTARD holders.
The purpose of Vantard is to deliver sophisticated strategies for redacted assets, making it easier than ever to make a killing on the memecoin supercycle.
Why the Vantard Meme Portfolio?
Vantard aims to provide simplicity and unlock the upside of the memecoin supercycle in a light-touch vehicle suitable for all investor types. Indices changed the way the world bought stocks and interacted with markets. Their lucidity has enabled millions of people around the globe to build wealth without having to understand the intricacies of markets, the performance of a specific stock, or dig through financial reports.
Vantard brings this same methodology to memecoins—the most exciting financial assets of modern times.
The Memecoin Supercycle
While luddites and purists may still not be on board with this idea, it will be a painful cycle for those who fail to adjust. Trends are established early in the cycle and then accelerate in the late cycle. The YTD performance of each crypto sector paints a fantastic picture. VCs have mass-produced altcoins, and regular crypto investors are sick of being dumped on.
Crypto’s greatest strength is pairing global capital flows and permissionless markets, enabling fair open-price market discovery. As the curtain was pulled back, markets saw through the heavily inflated altcoin valuations and how value capture was taking place in private markets. Look at the performance of new altcoin listings on Binance.
While a slightly uncomfortable truth for many investors, speculation is the use case. This trend is not unique to crypto, and TradFi has seen increasing volumes of 0DTE options in recent years, rising from 5% of total SPX options volume in 2016 to 43% in 2023 and on track to break records this year. The whole world is becoming more like a casino every day, and Vantard makes sure you have a privileged seat at the table.
Blockchains with die-hard fans created this loyalty through a wealth effect. Projects launched at valuations multiples smaller in 2021 and multiples smaller again in 2017 when ICO mania was all the rage. A fair analogy can be drawn between ICO projects and memecoins in that both enable any investor to enter in the early stages and enjoy the upside from adoption. Modern altcoins trap this value in private markets, meaning the only tokens allowing for this open price discovery are memecoins.
The trend has been established and will only accelerate as the cycle continues.
A Growing M2 Money Supply
The M2 Money Supply is the capital supply of the world’s four major central banks that represents the total volume of liquidity in the global financial system. Higher money supply equals higher asset prices. Observable above, the M2 Money Supply has started ticking up again, and all of this extra liquidity will find its way into markets.
Couple this with interest rates coming down all over the world and the billions of dollars parked in money market funds that will soon engage in a search for yield. When the risk-free rate decreases or drops to zero (the yield paid on government bonds), capital takes flight and searches for higher returns. Low interest rate environments naturally encourage speculation. And the great pendulum swing back to another easy money era has already begun.
When capital is cheap, credit becomes abundant, leverage gets baked into the system, and borrowers become tempted to invest or speculate with borrowed money. As rates fall and global liquidity levels go up, this behavior will become more and more commonplace. In these conditions, risk-on assets perform exceptionally well. Memecoins occupy the furthest position on the risk curve.
Momentum Meets Reflexivity
This has played out each cycle to date. Trends that develop and emerge in the early parts of the cycle go on to become the dominant trend of the cycle. Dogecoin topped out at a $88 billion market cap last cycle. Retail investors do not care about the newest zk-SNARKS or data availability solutions. They want to make money. It is impossible to put a value on a memecoin, and this is their greatest strength. Parabolas more often occur in assets difficult to value.
Everything trades on attention, narrative, and speculation become the greatest drivers, especially in easy money conditions. The Vantard Meme Portfolio has launched and allows anyone to ride the memecoin supercycle with ease. Vantard is doing all the legwork needed, so you hold the winners early.
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Ciao, è normale che non vedo i miei token nella cronologia degli acquisti.
Bonjour c'est normal que je vois pas mes jetons n'y l'historique d'achat